Autor Tema: Far Cry 4  (Pročitano 25336 puta)

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Far Cry 4
« poslato: 15. maj 2014, 18:00:23 »

Far Cry is going to the mountains—the next game in Ubisoft's open-world shooter series will be set in the Himalayas, and it'll be out this fall for current- and last-gen platforms (minus Wii U). Far Cry 4, a sequel to 2012's successful Far Cry 3, had been rumored for quite some time now. Today it's official. Here's Ubisoft describing the game:

Taking a sharp turn away from the lush island jungles of the top-rated Far Cry 3, Far Cry 4 is set in Kyrat, an untamed region currently ruled by a despotic self-appointed king. But don't be lulled into a false sense of security by the achingly beautiful views; Kyrat is a wild land full of perils. Once again, players will be able to craft their own stories as they travel through this exotic open world teeming with wildlife – using their wits along with an assortment of powerful weapons and diverse vehicles. "Following the success of Far Cry 3, we wanted to take the franchise to the next level and create a game that will surprise players and exceed fans' expectations," said Dan Hay, Executive Producer. "Given the unique setting, we feel Far Cry 4 will stand out as a top first-person shooter and we're eager to reveal more about the game in the coming months."
Far Cry 4 will be out on November 18 for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC. Opširnije kao i izvor informacije ovde.
« Poslednja izmena: 15. maj 2014, 19:09:52 od strane Горан »
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Re: Far Cry 4
« Odgovor #1 poslato: 21. maj 2014, 10:48:09 »
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Re: Far Cry 4
« Odgovor #2 poslato: 10. jun 2014, 01:28:35 »

Posebna ponuda za članove foruma za MTS i Supernovu.
Poruka u inbox za ponudu ili klik na baner za više informacija.


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Odg: Far Cry 4
« Odgovor #3 poslato: 10. jun 2014, 14:23:55 »
malo gameplaya



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Re: Far Cry 4
« Odgovor #4 poslato: 17. jun 2014, 19:29:02 »
Evo jos malo gameplay-a



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Re: Far Cry 4
« Odgovor #5 poslato: 20. jun 2014, 17:46:33 »
Otkriven glavni lik iz Far Cry 4 igre (video)

U Far Cry 4 igri, predstojećoj pucačini sa otvorenim svetom, igraćete u ulozi Ejdžej Gejla. Gejl je lik iz Kajrata, fiktivnog regiona u Himalajima gde je smeštena radnja Far Cry 4 igre. Regionom vlada samoimenovani kralj Pagan Min. U tvitu je Ubisoft opisao Gejla kao "odanog sina", i "Pagan Minovog počasnog gosta". Min je otkriven još prošle nedelje u videu koji je prikazan na E3 i u kome možemo videti prvih pet minuta igre.

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Re: Far Cry 4
« Odgovor #6 poslato: 20. jun 2014, 17:55:38 »
Ubisoft tvrdi da će Far Cry 4 biti odlično optimizovan: PC verzija je glavna!

Far Cry 4 bio je jedna od najzanimljivijih igara na proteklom E3 sajmu a najviše razloga za radost imaju PC igrači, s obzirom da je Ubisoft potvrdio kako se ovaj naslov primarno razvija za Windows.

Ipak, prema rečima kreativnog direktora igre Alexa Hutchinsona, Far Cry 4 izgledaće podjednako dobro i za PS4 odnosno Xbox One. “Ono što smo želeli jeste da gejmplej bude identičan na svim platformama. Razlika je naravno u grafici – sve što vidite mnogo je detaljnije na next-genu. Igra se primarno razvija za PC a takav nivo detalja do sad nije viđen na konzolama. Konzolni igrači mogu biti uvereni kako će dobiti najbolju moguću verziju”, tvrdi Hutchinson. Far Cry 3 definitivno je bio odlično optimizovan za PC, pa se nadamo da će se ista priča ponoviti i ovog puta. Kao što znamo, Far Cry 4 stiže 18. novembra za PC, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360 i PC.

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Odg: Re: Far Cry 4
« Odgovor #7 poslato: 3. jul 2014, 18:44:30 »


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Re: Far Cry 4
« Odgovor #8 poslato: 10. jul 2014, 18:22:56 »
Ubisoft je izneo nekoliko detalja sto se tice same mape.
Naime mapa u FarCry 4 nece biti nista veca od one iz FarCry 3, ali ce biti dosta punija tj. imace vise sadrzaja.
Bice veoma vise situacija gde cete sretati NPCs i mnogo vise situacija gde cete stretati neprijatelje.
Sve ovo ukazuje na mnogo vise akcije i questova nego u prethodnom delu.


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Re: Far Cry 4
« Odgovor #9 poslato: 29. jul 2014, 07:12:28 »
PES 2019
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Re: Far Cry 4
« Odgovor #10 poslato: 6. avgust 2014, 15:58:08 »

Kyrat. Nestled in the Himalayas, this remote kingdom should be a pristine paradise – an enchanting nation steeped in traditions, a fecund land overflowing with natural beauty. But this mountainous region is also home to Pagan Min, the country’s self-appointed ruler whose narcissistic dictatorship has tumbled the nation into a bitter civil war. All of which makes Ajay Ghale’s homecoming more bitter than sweet, with bullets raining down and blood streaming through the streets as the game’s protagonist makes his way through The Golden Path rebellion, helping determine the fate of his troubled homeland.

Welcome to the world of Far Cry 4. With weaponizable animals, realistic enemies, fortified outposts and an astounding assortment of weapons and vehicles, Kyrat shares some key similarities with Far Cry 3’s Rook Islands. Indeed, much like its predecessor, the location itself is one of the biggest characters in the game. But the war-torn Himalayan nation is also vastly different from Far Cry 3’s tropical jungle setting.

“We thought about an island – and we thought about its opposite,” says Executive Producer Dan Hay. “When you look at it, Kyrat is literally the opposite of an island. It is a bowl nestled inside these mountains that gives you the opportunity to go through a whole bunch of biomes.”

The diversity of Kyrat is easily one of the biggest differences in Far Cry 4. As players ascend the mountainside, Hay promises they’ll practically feel the temperature drop in this virtual world. Far Cry 4 also introduces verticality – something that many players craved in Far Cry 3. This time around, gamers will climb, drive and fly their way through dense forests all the way up to snowy mountain peaks, with a wide variety of ecosystems in between.

And that verticality (along with the rest of Kyrat) is much more accessible early on. Fan-favorite items like the wingsuit are available much sooner in the game (as compared to Far Cry 3), and players have the opportunity to go where they want with far fewer limitations.

“The game is about exploration,” says Narrative Director Mark Thompson. “It’s about discovering new things around every corner. It’s about the dynamic interaction of all of these different systems. All of the different outputs that can help. The incredible things that happen when the ecosystem meets the humans in the different biomes and the crazy personal stories that people take away.”


With so much to see and do – and so many ways to play – it would be easy enough to prattle on for days listing out every feature available in Far Cry 4. But when talking about Kyrat itself, that would be missing the point. “Features are great,” says Creative Director Alex Hutchinson. “You can ride an elephant. You can ride a buzzard. There are new weapons. There are all-new tools around. But I don’t believe that’s what’s going to get someone new to **** up the game.”

So what’s the real draw of Kyrat? According to Hutchinson, players are looking for “new emotions and new fantasies.” That’s where the co-op comes in. Now players can bring a friend with them into Kyrat, and together they can explore the vast open-world. Or, as Hutchinson puts it: “All of the fun of Far Cry 3, now with your best friend. So you can bring that person into the open world and you can goof around with all the tools and all the toys.”

When you play co-op, the story turns off, so the solo experience is protected and remains sacred, but everything you do together in the open-world (liberating outposts, hunting, uncovering secrets and gaining experience) stays with you throughout your game. “Of course, we have weaponized elephants, honey badgers, helicopters, all that sort of stuff,” Hutchinson continues. “But the real fun is doing it with your buddy. The simultaneous use of everything that you had before and the new stuff.”

It’s all about being able to express yourself however you like. Sure, Far Cry 4 is an open-world game. It’s an action-adventure game. It’s a shooter. These are well-known – and well-tread – genres. But at the same time Far Cry 4 is different. “It’s a little bit eccentric. It’s a little bit outlandish,” Hutchinson says. “It’s about building your own story, creating your own adventure.”


When you return to the solo experience, Kyrat also offers a richer experience than previous games in the franchise. While Far Cry 3 had a grand story full of compelling (and utterly insane) characters, the game occasionally struggled with the disconnect between the open-world experience and the scripted narrative. Far Cry 4 is partly solving this problem with the development team itself: Mark Thompson has shifted his role from lead level designer in Far Cry 3 to narrative director in the upcoming game, in large part to help unify the gameplay and the story. “Now when you meet a character in the open world, you’ll have the context, the relevance of what they’re doing and how it ties to the moments that you’re having,” Hay promises.

Indeed, no longer should it feel like two loosely connected adventures joined together. Far Cry 4 aims to seamlessly integrate the open-world gameplay and the scripted narrative, while blurring the lines between the co-op and solo experiences. And even within the narrative itself, the world is more unified. “We’ve been working a lot on making the world cohesive,” Hutchinson says. “Why are the villains there? Where do they live? Where do they work? Making sure there are more NPCs, not just people waiting to die in army costumes. Making the world feel like a real place.”


While the world is in some ways more real, the game is still about delivering a fantastical experience you’re not likely to have in your own life. “For Far Cry 4, we didn’t want to make it about you,” Thompson says. “We didn’t want the player fantasy to be: Hey, this is you in this faraway place. A game like Far Cry is about escapism and adventure and a promise of going somewhere exotic and having new experiences. And part of that escapism is living outside of your own experience.”

As Ajay Ghale, you’re once again a fish out of water (having been born in Kyrat but raised elsewhere). This time around you have roots in the game’s world, with a family name that has massive significance in the country – and to Pagan Min himself, who had a significant relationship with both of Ajay’s parents. This creates a feeling of real connection and utter confusion at the same time.

But most of all, Kyrat is about creating unforgettable interactions for the player. “When you think about what makes a location interesting, it’s got to have a great culture,” Hay says. “It’s got to be steeped in history, because it’s about discovery and exploration. It’s got to have interesting and unique profiles for the animals. It has to be a petri dish for unique and odd people so that when you run into them, they’re not what you expect.”

It’s all about giving players the opportunity to experience something new and unexpected, while encouraging them to make their own choices in Kyrat. “We want people to invest in our story by saying I chose to go here. I want to see it play out. I want to see the consequences of this,” Hutchinson says. “The story is your story.”

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Re: Far Cry 4
« Odgovor #11 poslato: 12. avgust 2014, 20:25:20 »

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Re: Far Cry 4
« Odgovor #12 poslato: 13. avgust 2014, 00:32:44 »


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Re: Far Cry 4
« Odgovor #13 poslato: 15. avgust 2014, 13:52:47 »
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Odg: Far Cry 4
« Odgovor #14 poslato: 23. avgust 2014, 14:59:50 »
Novi lik u FC4

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