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ps3 i xbox 360... evo par trailera i ingame momenata...
YouTube - ufc 2009 undisputed classic fight: ufc 71 Chuck Liddell vs Rampage JacksonYouTube - UFC 2009 Undisputed Flying Knee Trailer (HD) 6.61MB (Multi)YouTube - UFC 2009 Undisputed - TrailerI takodje bih hteo da pitam da li neko ima ovu igricu i da podeli neko iskustvo?:gunsmilie:
quick review:
Regardless of how well a fighter can talk trash about an opponent or how spectacular an entrance he can make, his performance in the ring is ultimately what he's going to be judged on. UFC 2009 Undisputed is a fighting game that's best appreciated in much the same way, because while its presentation is far from perfect and its Career mode is unnecessarily clunky, the action inside the octagon is enthralling. Combat is accessible but deep, and demands strategic thinking and quick reflexes in equal measure, making this an enjoyable and unique game that does a great job of re-creating the mixed martial arts action of the UFC.
